Weekly Activities


Coffee and Chat & Lunch Club - every First Monday of the month from 10am till 12pm (excluding Bank Holidays)
Come along and meet new friends. Hope to see you.

Tai Chi Sessions - Chen Style Tai Chi from 7.30pm till 9pm
Chen style Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong is the oldest style of Tai Chi. It is a very effective martial art and used for self defence but it has a very strong health aspect too. Tai Chi is very good at healing the body and calming the mind. It is very effective in relieving anxiety and depression and good for physical ailments. My classes consists of practicing Tai chi exercises and learning the Old Frame 75 step taiji form. we also end with some meditation.
Classes are £7.00 per lesson


Friends of High Town (Monthly) from 7.30pm till 8.30pm

Friends of High Town (FoHT) is a group dedicated to making the High Town area of Luton a great place to live and work. Together, we want to conserve and enhance the quality of life, foster pride in our local area and create a strong sense of community. We are a non-religious, non-sectarian and non-party political association.
Meetings are open to members and non-members, so come along to find out what's going on. For general enquiries, please email: info@friendsofhightown.org or visit our website at http://friendsofhightown.org/

Wood Craft


Prayerful Dance (Monthly)


Access Shotokan Karate - Parent-Child club for children with special needs - Thursdays from 6.15pm to 8pm


If you'd like to know more about us and our upcoming dates and sessions, check www.askluton.co.uk/

Hightown Honeys Women's Institute (WI) - Monthly from 7.30pm

The Hightown Honeys WI meets on the third Thursday of the month (excluding August) at Hightown Methodist Church Hall at 7.30pm. All ladies are welcome! We're a friendly group of all ages and backgrounds and our activities range from crafts to talks to physical activities (think tai chi, line dancing and treasure hunts). It's fun, informative and a great way to make new friends. Visitors are welcome - it's £4 to come along and try it out, and that includes cake and a cuppa.

If you'd like to know more about us and our upcoming sessions, you can join our Facebook group
www.facebook.com/groups/HightownHoneysWI/ or email us on hightownhoneyswi@gmail.com

What is the WI?
The WI was formed in 1915 to revitalise rural communities and encourage women to become more involved in producing food during the First World War. Since then the organisation's aims have broadened and the WI is now the largest voluntary women's organisation in the UK. The WI celebrated its centenary in 2015 and currently has almost 220,000 members in approximately 6,300 WIs.

With its original roots in rural and agricultural communities, it now embraces the interests of women in both rural and urban communities. It is based on the ideals of fellowship, truth, tolerance and justice. The WI plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.

The WI is all about inspiring women. It's a rich source of experiences, knowledge and skills. It offers all kinds of opportunities to all kinds of women. The WI comes in all shapes and sizes. We offer women the opportunity to join and be involved in the way that suits them.

Your local WI provides an opportunity, first and foremost, for women of all ages to get together for a sociable evening, to swap ideas and experiences, learn new skills and listen to a guest speaker or demonstrator.

© 2015 High Town Methodist Church